Water Feature
Project Info
Water Feature worthy of a Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers dance location.


Project Description
A truly unique event center teamed up in conjunction with a classic car auto museum and they requested an entry focal point landscape feature that was classy like the time and era that their historical automobile memorabilia represented.
They had already selected some cherubs they wanted to incorporate and we were on our way to building a water feature only Las Vegas and their classic cars could out shine. This project was nostalgic for team Anderson Landscape and one we will always appreciate the memories of swapping our “first car” and “dream car” stories of during construction.
Project Challenges

This project wasn’t really challenging structurally. Anytime a client orders a one of a kind fountain accessory piece it does add some unknown nuances to the build.
This particular one needed custom plumbing modifications made to adjust to our pumping and water filter system. Simple 1/2 day solution was the remedy with our licensed plumber
and this vintage inspired custom built fountain was babbling gloriously as envisioned.
Project Result

12 Foot diameter fountain pool hand constructed, stuccoed, rubber lined, tiled and plumbing fitted with custom ordered cherub fountain fixture mounted and operational.